Video Transcript
Hello, and thank you for choosing Optimal Balance Pharmacy as your healthcare partner.
In this video, we’ll be guiding you through how to perform a subcutaneous injection as part of your program.
First, always start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure cleanliness.
Make sure you have the following supplies: a sterile syringe, your prescribed medication, and alcohol swabs.
Take an alcohol swab and wipe the top of the vial to sterilize it.
Remove the cap from the needle and syringe.
Next, pull back the plunger to draw air into the syringe equal to the dose of medication you need.
Refer to your prescription instructions for this.
Then insert the needle into the vial through the rubber stopper.
Now flip the vial upside-down and push the plunger to inject the air into the vial. This helps to prevent a vacuum from forming.
Then slowly pull back the plunger to draw the medication into the syringe.
Make sure to draw the correct dose and check for air bubbles. If you see any, tap the syringe gently to move the bubbles to the top, then push the plunger slightly to expel them.
Once you have the correct dose, remove the needle from the vial.
Next, choose your injection site. Common sites include the abdomen, at least 2 inches away from the belly button, the front of the thigh, or the back of the upper arm.
I’ll demonstrate this on an orange, but you’ll do it on your own skin.
Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab and let it dry completely.
Pinch the skin at the injection site to lift the fatty tissue away from the muscle. Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle, or 45 degrees if you have very little fat.
Push the plunger slowly to inject the medication. Once done, release the pinch and withdraw the needle.
Dispose of the needle and syringe in a sharps container immediately.
Finally, apply a Band-Aid if needed.
That’s it! You’ve successfully administered a subcutaneous injection.
Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for watching!
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